Softly, Spoke the River

The Light of Christ

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Make me clean again

“Cleanse me with hyssop,
 and I will be clean;
wash me,
and I will be whiter than snow”
(Psalm 51:7)

Lying in a hospital bed one day I looked up to see two strapping nurses come through the door of my ward. Sensing trouble I asked what they were there for and heard the response, “We have come to wash you.” There was nothing I could do except smile weakly and submit myself to the indignity of it all.

In fact they were very professional and very good – and maintained throughout a conversation with each other that had nothing to do with me. Once they had left I was both very relieved and surprised at how much better I felt to be cleaner.

There are times when we cannot cleanse ourselves – and that is particularly true when there is some sin that has left us feeling soiled and stained. It is then that we almost desperately need God to come and cleanse us – not casually whilst talking of something else –but purposefully and with focussed attention. This is what David had in mind when after the realisation of his sins with and because of Bathsheba he cried out to God,

“Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.”

There is a cleansing that can only come from God. That is it necessary is underlined by Jesus who said,

“Unless I wash you,
you have no part with me.”

(John 13:8)

That it is freely available to the repentant sinner is made clear by John,

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” 
(1 John 1:9)

All of us have sins that we need to bring to the Lord – for forgiveness, cleansing and healing. And having done so we should ensure that we also take time to forgive ourselves. For who are we to remain in judgement of ourselves when the Lord of the Cross has set us free!

Don’t delay – do it know. Ask the Holy Spirit to witness God’s forgiveness to your spirit.


Father God I confess  to You that I have sinned in these ways …… . Please forgive me, cleanse me of the sin and stain, heal me of the weaknesses and strengthen me against the temptations, in Jesus name. Amen.
