Softly, Spoke the River

The Light of Christ


God Building Me


(Tuesday’s Treasure Chest)


Have you ever looked at yourself and wondered whether you have made any progress in your life with God – or whether you may in fact have gone backwards?

 It is quite difficult sometimes to assess ourselves. One of the reasons is this – the closer we get to God the closer we are to His holy and pure light. That means that it shines more brightly and revealingly into our lives and reveals more clearly things that we may not have known were there, or that we were trying to forget and ignore. These can sadden us, together with those areas where we are seemingly unable to finally evict something from our lives or are battling to gain a final and complete victory.  We may even suspect that “I can’t do it” could more truly be stated as “I won’t!” Our focus is wrong!

 What we are often unable to remember is the state in which we were when we first responded to the Lord. In fact, we would not have been able to truly appreciate our spiritual condition or the majesty, glory and holiness of God. Both become more apparent on our journey towards and with Him. The tempter would love us to feel that we are getting worse and worse and therefore further away from the Lord. The truth is that we are in reality drawing closer to Him, and He to us, which is the reason that some of our shortcoming are more clearly seen and wrestled with.

 God, however, whilst He does indeed want to help us to deal with these issues calls us to focus less on them and more on Him! Jesus is our salvation and our righteousness – in Him is our life and peace. As with the early disciples our journey with Him has many ups and downs. However, as we keep our attention on Him, allowing Him to guide us and lead us and trusting Him to deal with the darkness in our lives, He will begin to involve Himself more actively in the areas that need attention and in the order that He knows to be best. He is our Saviour – not us!

 To trust in the Lord is to trust Him with every aspect of our lives all the times. The promise of Scripture is that as we do so He will complete in us what He has already begun. As with all the work that He completes it will be ‘very good!”

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”  (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Trust is a decision, take it. A mustard seed of faith is enough for a great God. Learn the Scripture – Live it.


Lord Jesus, thank You so much for what You have already done in my life, and for Your most wonderful sacrifice on the cross. Please help me to trust You more and more – knowing that You have not finished Your work in me yet, but that You will. Amen.
