Softly, Spoke the River

The Light of Christ

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Lent 4

“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He walked in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’”

(Genesis 3: 8-9)


I can remember once doing something that caused my mother to say that my father would deal with me when he came home. I waited in an agony of fear and trepidation. For once I did not want him to come and quaked when, eventually, I heard him arrive and his voice calling me. I had become separated from him without any action on his part.

 Sin is not just naughtiness. It is a rejection of the sovereignty, wisdom and love of God. The result is a seeking out of the sinner, a confrontation and a judgement. No one will be able to escape it by themselves. It results also in death, not just physical but other deaths as well – such as the death of a happy relationship, the death of trust, and the death of life as it was before. Guilt too is a terrible thing, raising barriers within and around us. It separates us from God, from others (as we hide parts of our lives), from ourselves (the person we thought we were or wanted to be) and from our potential. And, unless dealt with, it can destroy our inner life. This is one of the reasons for what we know as confession. It is not to make us feel bad – it is so that we can be set free to feel better – and to have another go at life!

 Allow yourself to remember a time when you have been hurt by someone else, and also when you have been the one who caused the hurt. Remember also a time when you have just made a mess of things and been disgusted with yourself. Without apportioning blame just think of the effect in terms of pain and the damage to, or severing of, relationships.

  • Spend a moment in silence, acknowledging your pain, and the pain of others involved or affected.
  • Then think of how God may feel when He is hurt by the rejections of others, and us – particularly after all He has provided and done for us.
  • Then very simply – ask Him to forgive, to cleanse and to heal.

He comes looking for those who are lost, and who feel lost – looking to heal and help them onwards. The awesome prayer of Jesus on the Cross tells us this

“Father forgive them, for they do not realise what they are doing.”’


Lord God, I know something of the pain of damaged relationships –with others and with myself. I’m sorry if I have caused You pain. I’m sorry for causing pain to others. Please forgive me where I have been at fault. Thank You that You came looking for Adam and Eve to deal with the problem. Please keep looking for more of me, and help me to look for more of You in my life. Amen.
