Softly, Spoke the River

The Light of Christ

Life and LIfe



“The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead–whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Saviour .. We are witnesses of these things”

(Acts 5:30-32)

The religious leaders had rejected Jesus and plotted to kill Him. The crowds had joined in and together they had pressurised Pilate into sentencing Jesus to death. The soldiers had crucified Him and His body had been sealed inside a tomb. Human hope had been shattered by human rejection and action. Jesus had been taken from His followers by death.

Then God intervened in the only way that could save the situation. He decisively reversed the verdict passed on Jesus by humanity and validated Him as truly His Son – as He had done at His baptism. In doing so He endorsed Him forever as the Lord and Saviour of all creation.

Thereafter the proclamation in the early sermons followed a similar pattern – “You killed Him.” “God raised Him” “We are witnesses”

This resurrection of Jesus would also give great assurance to His followers both then and in the times to come, including now. Death in itself is not to be feared for God has clearly demonstrated that His power is sufficient to look after each one of us as we travel through into His eternal presence. And Christ – who said that “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God” (Luke 12:6) – will ensure that He is there for each and every one who believes in Him, to shepherd then safely home.

Jesus Christ is my Saviour now and when I die.


Lord Jesus you are my Saviour and my Shepherd. Please help me to trust You completely and to stay very close to You. Amen.


4 thoughts on “Life and LIfe

  1. The drawing is somehow misleading. God is alive but has always been alive. God cannot die and never did die. Jesus, the son of God died. With that drawing you give the impression that you believe God died.


    • Thank you for the visit and comment. It does depend on the reading of it. My intention was to show that is was another revelation by God (the Father) of His reality and power – and also that Jesus – God the Son – is very much alive, whatever may have happened to Him on earth in ‘human form.’
      Have a great day 🙂


      • You writing ‘God the son” declares a lot. Where do you get it from that Jesus would be a god son? According to the Scriptures Jesus is the son of God which is something totally different than the god son.


      • For example the gospel of John starts by calling Jesus ‘the Word’ and saying that ‘the Word was God.’ (John 1:1). The apostle Thomas called Jesus ‘my Lord and my God.’ (John 20:28) Jesus said that “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father’ (John 14:9) and ‘I and the Father are one.’ (John 10:30) And the disciples ‘worshipped him’ (Luke 24:52). John Stott wrote a book called ‘The Incomparable Christ’ which you might find interesting.


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